Neem Leaves
Neem is the greatest ever home remedy to remove pimples effectively. What you ought to do is, boil some neem leaves with water not less than 6-8 minutes. Strain out this water right into a bowl. Apply this neem juice on your face with cotton ball. This is actually effective.
Healthy Foods
Stay away from junk and sugary foods, specially foods that are fried containing saturated fats; drink lots of water to remain hydrated and flush out impurities in the bloodstream and toxins out of your system. Eat at least one fruit daily and include green, leafy veggies, nuts; healthy foods at the top of Vitamin A and C and whole grain products in your diet.
Applying honey over pimples will assist you to get rid of pimples as soon as possible. Honey contains an antibiotic that does not only reduces inflammation and heals the affected region but also protect our skin using their company infections.
Lemon Juice
Take one a part of lemon and rub it gently directly on your face. Leave it for 5 minutes. You might get an itch, if your skin is sensitive, don’t worry it won’t likely to harm your face. This homemade remedy to remove pimple will reduce the redness of pimple the first phase of any acne.
Aloe Vera
You can use it to cure sun burns and redness or no. Aloe vera used should be obtained from a fresh plant and rubbed over affected region to cure it. It can also be rubbed on consistent basis in order to avoid pimples and other skin infections.
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