Friday, 28 February 2014

Protein Foods
You need protein to correct cells and make up major parts of the body such as skin, hair, glands and builds and repairs muscles. Whatever you decide and not know is that you don't have to eat meat or cheese to consume enough protein.

Quick and approximate guide for measuring your protein intake inside your day-to-day diet. Here are good vegetarian foods and vegan sources, and tips on how to add them to your diet today.

Nuts and Nut Butter

All nuts contain both healthy fats and protein, which makes them a valuable part of a plant-based diet. Nut butters, like peanut and almond butter, will also be a good way to get protein. Look for brands with as few ingredients as you possibly can just nuts and maybe salt. Skip those with hydrogenated oils or plenty of added sugar.


Also known as garbanzo beans, these legumes could be tossed into salads, fried and salted like a crispy snack, or pureed right into a hummus. They contain 7.3 grams of protein in only half a cup, and are also full of fiber and low in calories.


Lentils Like beans, lentils are full of protein (18 grams per cup, cooked) and fiber, and they are also helpful in lowering cholesterol and managing glucose levels. Preparing lentils is easy: use three glasses of liquid for each cup of lentils. Lentils are great in soups and stews, and combined with vegetables, noodles, and curry.


Most whole grain products contain protein, quinoa is exclusive because it also contains all of the essential proteins, which makes it a complete protein foods. Single serving of cooked quinoa contains 18 grams of protein, in addition to nine grams of fiber.

Tempeh and Tofu

Foods produced from soybeans are some of the highest vegetarian protein sources:. Tempeh and tofu, for example, contain about 15 and 20 grams per half cup, respectively. They're highly nutritious, plus they can really take on the taste and texture of whatever kind of food you're looking for.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Sinus infection home remedies treatments are growing increasingly popular with a lot of people switching to non-traditional medicine from traditional, using its harsh side effects and overall effect on life long health.

There’s a lot you can do at home to make you feel better and provide yourself with severe sinus infection relief.

Making Herbal Tea

Prepare the tea with the addition of the herbs to a pot water and boil for about 5 minutes. Turn down the heat and simmer for an additional 10 to 15 minutes. Strain the herbs and permit the tea to cool to some temperature that will be easy to consume without having to burn your mouth. Sip the tea when needed and store any leftovers within the refrigerator until needed. Reheat but don't boil when you need another cupful.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This home remedy is one of the simplest while you only need to mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of tepid to warm water. You should drink this two or three times a day in order to feel relief faster. Apart from being a good natural fix for sinus infection, it is also good at treating ear infections related to it.


The following remedy for sinus may be the grapefruit. Mix in a few drops of grapefruit seed extract, tepid to warm water, and salt in a neti pot to decongest and cure sinusitis. It's also important to make sure that grapefruit oil isn't applied directly applied to your skin or ingested.


This sinus infection home cure also serves as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial herb. The dried inner bark and essential oil from the inner bark leaving are used as decongestants. By mixing one tablespoon of honey and ¼ teaspoon powder and taking it for several days, the sinuses is going to be effectively cleared out.

Cayenne Pepper

The capsaicin found in cayenne pepper may be the main reason it’s also a sinus natural home remedies. When taken with a meal, it immediately clears in the nasal passages. Drinking a combination of 1 tsp. of chopped cayenne having a cup of hot water 3 times a day can help cure sinusitis.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Stretch marks come when you get pregnant also it doesn't seem like there is whatever you can do to stop these things. You do not even have to get pregnant to get stretch marks. If you gain a little weight after which lose it you will find these nasty lines still chilling out.

There are several natural remedies, and below you’ll look for a list of the top most effective tips about how to get rid of stretch marks:

Potato Juice

If you would like an easy home remedy to reduce the look of stretch marks then applying potato juice around the affected area is the best way.To use the potato juice simply cut the potato into two halves or into thin slices and rub the slices around the stretch marks. Regular application of potato juice will help you get rid of them easily.

Lemon Juice

Another simple method to reduce the appearance of stretch marks is by applying the lemon juice of freshly cut lemon onto it. Directly rubbing the fresh lemon juice will help to reduce the stretch marks. One other way is by mixing equal volume of lemon juice and cucumber juice right into a bowl, then applying it around the stretch marks can also help in decrease in stretch marks.

Olive Oil

Applying Olive oil for your skin throughout your pregnancy is a superb way to help prevent stretch marks. Olive oil contains vitamin E, which restores skin tissue. The oil also may help soften your skin so it can expand, making stretchmarks less likely.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an additional treatment that can be used both during after pregnancy to decrease stretch marks. It soothes and heals your skin, and is gentle enough to make use of daily.

Egg Whites

Egg whites are rich having a large ratio of proteins. These proteins present in egg whites are very helpful in rejuvenating the skin. Apply egg whites to the part of the skin which has stretch marks for any minimum one time to a maximum 3 times each day. You can watch the progress inside your skin and see those ugly looking stretch marks fade away.
One should have to be very considerate towards his/her skin problems as you may know that the most common ones of all the skin issues are oil and dry skin problems.

It comes with an abundance of home remedies and sweetness treatments to help those who struggle with dry skin on a regular basis. Try a few of these home remedies and say goodbye to dried-out skin for good.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil helps make the skin feel softer and removes its previous scaly characteristic by moistening it naturally. Coconut oil has sufficient levels of fatty acid that make up for any lack of moisture from the skin. It really works best when left on for a whole night. Apply proper amount when it is bedtime and wash it off each morning; do this every night.

Aloe Vera

You can also apply natural aloe-vera gel on your face for 30 minutes to fight dryness. It is simple yet extremely effective and easy to do treatment. All that you should do is, extract natural aloe-vera gel from a slice of natural aloe-vera and then use it instead of visiting buy the ready-made gel

Oil Massage

You may also give yourself oil massage with almond and honey oil right before taking bath. This will help you to keep your skin moist and smooth. Should you could take hot oil massage instead; it would be better

Banana Face Mask

Banana is an additional simple everyday pantry item which makes for a perfect base to have an at home treatment for dry skin. Mix together ½ cup of low fat yogurt, ¼ ripe banana, and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply mixture for your face and neck, leave on for 10 minutes and then rinse.

Cucumber Face Pack

Cucumber is incredibly beneficial for treating dry skin. Cucumber naturally moisturizes dried-out skin and also lightens skin tone. Create a paste of 1 cucumber and apply on face. Leave those for 30 minutes and you will notice visible improvement in a matter of few weeks.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Yoga is one of the most effective exercising mediums to keep one's body healthy and fit. It has innumerable yoga poses for every body part including lower back. Lack of movement makes the muscles in our low back so weak that people cannot do anything else than to are afflicted by lower back pain. However, there is a great news that one can easily get rid of low back pain with regular yoga poses.

Supine Hamstring Stretch Pose

Lying on your back, bend your right knee to your chest and place a strap or rolled-up towel round the ball of your foot. Straighten your leg toward the ceiling. Press out through both heels. When the lower back feels strained, bend the left knee and put the foot on the ground. Hold for 3-5 minutes after which switch to the left let for 3-5 minutes.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

Even though many people think of the tried and true Downward Facing Dog like a go-to stretch for the calves, it is good for the back, too. Downward Facing Dog stretches out and aligns the spine, undoing all of the hunching over we do throughout the day.

Triangle Pose

Triangle pose is really a test of balance and wonderful for back alignment. This pose helps lengthen the edges of the torso where a surprising quantity of tension can hide. In case your neck is bothering you too, go on and looks down at your feet instead of your top hand.

Pigeon Pose

From all-fours, take the right knee behind your right wrist together with your lower leg at a diagonal toward your left hip. Square off your hips toward the floor. Bend forward. Widen the elbows and put one hand on top of the other like a pillow for your forehead. Hold 2-3 minutes after which switch to the left side for 2-3 minutes.

Legs In the Wall Pose

back pain, low back pain, yoga for lower back pain, back pain relief, yoga for backScoot your buttocks completely into the wall and swing the feet up the wall. This pose is great for relaxing the muscles from the lower back and drains stagnant fluid in the feet and ankles. Do that pose after a challenging workout and try to after traveling by plane. Hold for 5-10 minutes.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

When you have diabetes it is difficult to live a normal life. You have to curve your eating habits and also you need to know how to control diabetes. For those who have diabetes, there are foods that cure diabetes you need to eat to ensure that the diabetes is in check. You can enjoy your meals with your body diet.

What is the food that it may consume a person with diabetes, learn how to control the quantities and understand what foods are best avoided, it is important to have a good quality of life. Eat moderately, maintain schedules, and eat number of fruits, vegetables and whole grain products, are some of the habits now incorporate.


Berries includes a low GI value and therefore are considered apt to be included in a diabetic diet. They're low in both fat and carbohydrates which will help curbing the blood sugar levels. Do control the portion size these fruits.


Broccoli is regarded as a healing food. Sulphoraphane in Broccoli helps protecting cells of the body. It reduces the molecules that damages cells. This is quite essential to reduce the risk of cardio-vascular diseases in diabetics.

Sweet Potatoes

You will make a wise choice by including sweet potatoes in your diet since it avoids spiking of glucose levels. It has a low GI value and it is packed with fiber and essential minerals for that body.


Beans help with controlling the insulin response to glucose in your body. It slows down the absorption of carbohydrates in to the bloodstream and also helps to burn body fat with its high-fiber content.


Balance abandoned carrot from your plate could be brought back to your diet as it is found to have a low GI value. This eases the entire process of digesting the carbohydrates in carrots. It features a rich source of beta-carotene which is associated with lower the risk of diabetes.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Walnut is an edible seed of the tree nut Juglans regia. The walnut seed has a number of health benefits ranging from weight management to prevention and slowing of various cancers. Walnuts and their oils are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Most of the research on the health benefits of walnuts has focused on consumption of the nut itself, although interest in walnut oil has grown over the last decade.

Walnuts and Type 2 Diabetes 

Walnut as a nutritious food that must form an important component of a healthy diet. Two or more servings of walnuts per week to be associated with 15 to 21 percent lower risk of incident type 2 diabetes.

Weight Loss

Walnuts serve as a delicious-tasting, low cholesterol weight loss food. To fully enjoy the benefits of walnuts for weight loss, it is important to remember that these nuts are a high-calorie food that should be eaten in moderation.

Walnuts for Kidney Stones 

Despite so many health benefits of walnut, it is best to be careful on the amount and frequency of walnut consumption. That is because walnut is high in oxalates and oxalates contribute to kidney stone formation.

Walnuts For Hair 

Walnut is a great hair foods too. This is because walnut contains biotin (vitamin B7) that helps strengthen hair, reduce hair fall and improve hair growth to certain extent. However, not much scientific data is available to support these claims.

Walnuts in Pregnancy 

These healthy nuts contain high levels of B-complex group of vitamins like folates, riboflavin, thiamin and others which are ideal for consumption by pregnant women.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Maintaining good eye health isn't just about visiting your ophthalmologist regularly and doing various eye exercises. Some foods are extremely rich in offering you the right proteins and vitamins which lets you reap benefits from natural diets. There are some exercises that make your vision stress free and to maintain a healthy look.


Regardless of how you prefer eating bilberries, but its consumption is essential if you’d like to have good eyes. Moreover, a current survey showed that bilberries slowed cataract progression in 48 from 50 participants.


Carrot is full of Vitamin A and carotene that can’t but turn it into a very powerful eyesight-improving remedy. Besides, beta-carotene is a superb antioxidant effective in fighting against some types of cancer.

Goji Berries

Goji Berries are also known for its vision-improving properties. Its powerful antioxidant carotenoids can safeguard against such cataracts and macular degeneration.

Salmon and Sardines

Both being full of omega-3 fats salmon and sardines would be the one of the most popular foods for improving vision. Moreover salmon is renowned for its brainpower-boosting properties.


Like every other leafy green broccoli is full of lutein utein and zeaxanthin, which are believed to protect eye cells from radical stressors.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Many people associate memory loss with ageing. But whether it’s occasional forgetfulness or lack of short-term memory, one must be aware that there are particular factors that can cause it even in a young age instead of simply attributing loss of memory to a natural decline in cognitive functioning. There are lots of factors that can impair memory, including drug interactions, hypertension, anxiety, poor thyroid function, as well as brain tumors.


Ginseng appears effective for memory impairment. Among mice given dosages of ginseng extracts, remarkable improvements in water maze tasks were exhibited and ginseng was proven to activate neurotransmitter activities that promote memory enhancement.


This herb is much more than just an aromatic spice. Rosemary has additionally been traditionally used to improve memory. When utilized in aromatherapy, rosemary can reduce cortisol levels and for that reason, anxiety. Another study verified using rosemary, combined with other essential oils, to ease stress and increase concentration and memory of graduate student nurses.

Gotu Kola 

Gotu kola is an herb that helps the signs and symptoms of anxiety and stimulates brain functions to enhance memory. Not only does it improve blood flow to the brain, but it’s been used to help with uterine cancer, colds, and liver ailments.

Green Tea

Like gingko biloba and rosemary, green tea extract has always been known for its antioxidants. Green tea extracts help shield proteins and lipids from age associated activities brought on by oxidation. Animals treated with these extracts showed better spatial learning abilities and may protect the hippocampus from aging-related decline.


Bacopin is really a natural herb commonly used to enhance brain function and enhance memory. Bacopin serves as an adaptogen which helps the body combat stress. It protects cells and restores cell damage by serving as a free radical scavenger in the body. Its main effects appear to be related to its power to enhance memory and concentration.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Blue cheese looks unusual but there are many health benefits of blue cheese. Blue cheese in full of calcium, thus, it helps in preventing several diseases. Blue cheese isn't blue in color. It's off-white like most other cheese. It's bluish streaks in them which are formed during the ageing procedure for cheese. It has very low fat content and it is usually used to make toppings and dressing for food.

Helps Prevent Diseases

Cheese contains high calcium content that does not only prevents bone loss but allows you to avoid migraine headaches too. Additionally, calcium helps you to prevent blood clotting along with the risk of breast cancer. It also helps in regulating blood pressure level and promotes muscle contraction.

Heart Healthy

Blue cheese is among the best foods for the heart. This is because this type of cheese is consumed regularly. This really is one reason why the French possess the lowest rate of heart diseases in the world.

Helps Burn Fat

1 / 2 of the women in the group consumed a calcium-rich diet whereas the rest of the half ate low-calcium foods. it had been seen that a diet rich in calcium helped the ladies to burn fat 20 times faster that people who ate low-calcium diet.

Boosts Memory

Its best to add some blue cheese for your kid's plate too. It is because, this cheese stimulates the cognitive abilities and improves memory. It's particularly beneficial for growing kids.

Helps Fight Cavities

People who eat blue cheese rarely get impacted by dental problems and tooth decay. The varieties of blue cheese prevent fighting cavities. Cheese could be eaten after a meal or else you may have it in the form of a snack.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Sleep disorders are problems faced by the majority of us at some time or the other in our lives. A lot of us face depression at some point in our way of life which keeps us awake during the night. If we are unable to keep them away and sweep them aside, these thoughts trouble us and us awake at night. While for many sleep disorders may be temporary, for other people it might become a regular affair.


Valerian is a common herb employed for curing insomnia. To enjoy a good night's sleep, try taking some Valerian extract before going to bed. Also, you may make Valerian herbal tea to alleviate your sleeping problem. It's bitter in taste, but sure is useful in the long run.


Honey is renowned for its therapeutic properties for a lot of ailments. It also helps in getting an audio sleeping and is thought to be a great insomnia home remedy. Add 2 teaspoons of honey inside a cup of hot milk and drink it before you go to bed.

Green Vegetables

Green vegetables and the simple banana is also helpful in fixing sleeping disorder. Green vegetables facilitate for the deficiencies of vitamins along with other essential minerals in the body which probably make you weak and thus, lead to lack of sleep.


Massage some sesame, almond or coconut oil onto your scalp before going to bed. This provides soothing effect to your brain and enables you to fall asleep.


Take a ripe banana and mash it right into a bowl. Add a few roasted cumin seeds and blend well. Eat this mixture after dinner every evening before going to sleep.